Elevate your learning

Discover our extensive learning hub crafted for optics and audiology professionals. Spectrum supports your professional growth with a wealth of resources, including diverse topics, recent news, real-life case studies, and expert insights in eye and hearing care.

Elevate your learning

Discover our extensive learning hub crafted for optometry and audiology professionals. Spectrum supports your professional growth with a wealth of resources, including diverse topics, real-life case studies, detailed guides, and expert insights in eye and hearcare.

Nishani Amerasinghe


Tackling Glaucoma: Insights from Nishani Amerasinghe at 100% Optical

The past president of the UK and Éire Glaucoma Society will deliver a lecture titled ‘Achieving Better Outcomes in Glaucoma Patients with Cataracts’ at 100% Optical on Sunday 2 March.


Helen McGrath with the Specsavers Harrogate team
Training for a member of a sight loss charity to become an Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) has been sponsored by Specsavers Harrogate. This vital role bridges the gap between medical professionals and people experiencing
Tinnitus Week Sponsorship Banner
Tinnitus Week 2025 is fast approaching so it’s time to refresh your mind on everything Tinnitus, plus in this post we’ll share a little run-down on everything Tinnitus UK are doing this year.
MP Bradley Thomas meets eye and ear care experts caring for local people and supporting the NHS
MP Bradley Thomas recently met with the Specsavers Birmingham Home Visits team and Specsavers Bromsgrove to see how opticians and hearing experts are making a difference to customers and patients in their community and homes,


Senior woman putting eye drop
Optics: OO IP
Part 4 of our ‘IP CMG Article’ series will discuss diagnosis and management of Primary Angle Closure/Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma (PAC/PACG) and some common secondary open angle glaucomas.
Scrabble pieces spelling PLAN
Audiology: WEBINAR
We explore agreed needs, shared decision making, patient engagement and using feedback loops in the development of IMPs with patients.
A man in a suit stands next to a gas pump, fueling a brain-shaped vehicle with books. The brain-shaped vehicle has wheels and is resting on a stack of books.
Audiology: WEBINAR
This webinar we are joined by Liam Ennis, Director at The Mind Muscle Movement, join us to explore challenging our mindset.